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Kawasan Wisata Sentana Sanggau

TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID, PONTIANAK – Satu di antara tempat yang wajib anda kunjungi ketika berkunjung ke Kabupaten Sanggau adalah lokasi wisata di Kampung Wisata Sentana, Kelurahan Tanjung Sekayam, Kecamatan Kapuas. Lokasinya yang berada di pinggiran Sungai Sekayam menampilkan panorama menikmati suasana bersantai malam hari di pinggiran sungai dengan kerlap-kerlip lampu berwarna-warni.


Sepanjang pinggiran Sungai Sekayam, di Kampung Santana dipenuhi oleh cafe yang biasanya buka dari sore hingga malam hari. Cocok bagi anda yang ingin menikmati waktu bersantai di pinggiran sungai, baik bersama keluarga, pasangan, maupun teman. Selain itu, jika anda ingin menyusuri Kampung Santana, anda tidak perlu repot untuk berjalan kaki. “Di sini ada yang muat empat orang dan enam orang. Untuk biayanya, dewasa sepuluh ribu dan anak-anak lima ribu,” ujarnya, Senin (29/5/2017) malam. Kemudian untuk penyewaan, sudah ditentukan rute yang akan dilewati dalam satu putaran untuk satu kali sewa. “Sudah ada rutenya, tiap titik juga sudah ada yang jaga buat mengarahkan. Karena seringkali yang kelamaan stop buat selfie,” jelasnya. Wisata Lereng Becawis ini biasanya mulai buka dari sore hingga malam hari. Namun jika diwaktu Weekend, anda harus lebih awal datang jika tidak ingin mengantri. “Biasanya hari Minggu sore, atau malam Minggu pasti rame. Makanya harus ngantri panjang. Jadi giliran dulu kalau mau nyewa,” pungkasnya. Jadi, bagi anda yang berkunjung ke Kabupaten Sanggau, silakan mencoba wisata yang satu ini. Letaknya sangat strategis, tepat di jalur bawah Jembatan Sekayam. Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul Wisata Keliling Kampung Sentana dengan Sepeda Becawis, Penulis: Maudy Asri Gita Utami | Editor: Rizky Zulham


Sanggau Kapuas, DISPORAPAR Sanggau  – Sanggau is a Malay kingdom that was founded in the 4th century AD. Sanggau comes from the name of a plant that grows on the banks of the river where the kingdom was founded, namely the Sekayam River. The Sekayam River is the place where the group led by Dara Nante, a noble woman from the Sukadana kingdom, gathers. The government system of the Sanggau sultanate has laws based on ada’a law and Islamic law, besides that the Sanggau sultanate also has a sharia court or religious council. Sentana Village Front In the afternoon along the palace area there are various types of typical Sanggau snacks and there is also a family hangout place or as a place to spend the weekend with family which is commonly called MK (Muara Kantuk), opposite the Sanggau palace or estuary kantu there is Sentana village, Sentana village is another name for Tanjung Sekayam village where in Sentana village there is a Water Front and several Pondopos, this place is very comfortable as a place to enjoy the atmosphere of the Kapuas River in the afternoon while waiting for the sun set to arrive with family, friends and relatives. at night you can enjoy the beauty of the Jami mosque from Sentana village, the Jami mosque is a relic mosque from the time of sultan Ayub which was founded on the banks of the Kapuas river,This mosque is very beautiful when viewed at night from Sentana village.


Bandong Passenger Ship In Sentana village, there are various sports and playing arenas, one of which is a volleyball field, tennis court and arenas for sports such as jogging and cycling, for water games, Sentana village offers water bicycle games, and recently in Sentana village, Bandung and Becawis slope (Ornamental Train) which will take visitors around and explore the Kapuas river. Sumber :

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