On Tuesday, July 16, 2024, President Joko Widodo inaugurated no less than 906 Junior Officers who are graduates of the Military Academy (Akmil) for the Fiscal Year 2024. The inauguration took place at the State Palace in Jakarta with great joy and pride, both from the junior officers being inaugurated and their families who were present.
This joy was also felt by the family of Pius, a retired teacher of SDN Dusun Apo, Desa Bengkawe, Kecamatan Menjalin, Kabupaten Landak, West Kalimantan. Pius was very proud because his son, Second Lieutenant Arm. Petris Bepo, successfully graduated from Akmil 2024. “I am just a teacher and already retired. Thank God my son, Second Lieutenant Arm. Petris Bepo, passed Akmil 2024. Petris is an obedient child, diligent in studying, enthusiastic, and hardworking, so when he was in SMA Negeri 1 Menjalin, he was selected to be a flag bearer (Paskibra) during the RI Anniversary in Kabupaten Landak. Then, when there was an opening for candidate cadet training at Akmil, which was directly trained by Armed Ngabang, Bepo was selected and passed the selection and could pass the education in Magelang,” said Pius.
Joy was also visible on the face of Timotius, the father of Second Lieutenant Cba Alexander Prakasa, who came from Ngarak, Desa Derma, Kecamatan Anjungan, Kabupaten Mempawah. Timotius, who is a retired TNI AD, felt happy together with his wife over the graduation of their third child. “Thank God my son, Alexander Prakarsa, can be inaugurated by President Joko Widodo together with his friends as a state servant. Please pray that our children can succeed in carrying out their duties for the honor of the Dayak tribe and Indonesia. I am also a retired TNI AD as a PM and have served in Cimahi Bandung, Timor-Timur (Timor Leste), Flores NTT, and finally at Kodam XII Tanjungpura,” said Timotius.
Second Lieutenant (Bek) Defin, from Desa Anik, Kecamatan Manyuke, Kabupaten Landak, also felt the same joy. “I have taken the test six times, three times for Bintara and three times for Akmil cadets. Thank God, in 2020, I passed and joined the education in Magelang. Today, I was inaugurated by President Joko Widodo together with my friends. To the younger Dayak people, if you want to pursue a career, keep up the spirit and keep trying, don’t give up easily,” said Defin.
Second Lieutenant Inf Angreno Charlossy, S.Tr.Han., a cadet from Nanga Taman, Kabupaten Sekadau, was also inaugurated. “My father is still actively serving in TNI AD, Sergeant Agustinus Abui, now serving in Koramil 17 Nanga Taman as Babinsa. Please pray for us to be capable in our state duties,” said Ossy, who was born in Kota Ketapang.
A newly inaugurated Air Force cadet who might be the first from West Kalimantan, Second Lieutenant Christofer Albertviandy, S.Tr.Han., was also inaugurated. Christofer is the son of Dayak Bakati and Dayak Salako from the couple Bambang Irawan, S.Sos., M.Si., and Trivina, SST., M.Kes.
Second Lieutenant Kav Michael Alexander from Central Kalimantan was also inaugurated. However, for now, he could not be confirmed by this media.
This inauguration was a proud moment for the junior officers and their families. The inaugurated officers are expected to carry out their duties well and bring good names to the nation and their regions of origin.
adapted from: https://detikborneo.com/viral-6-perwira-belas-dayak-ganteng-lulus-akmil-2024-dilantik-joko-widodo-di-istana-negara-bersama-900-alumni-taruna/